Intellij idea for javascript
Intellij idea for javascript

intellij idea for javascript

Among other awesome features, it allows you to create custom data bindings right inside your HTML using a data-bind attribute. Jet Brains tunes JavaScript IDE for Harmony ().You can still find the any updates at GitHub. Looks like I’ll be updating the patched version of the debug extensions for at least a while longer. They have updated the debugger extension (0.4.3) with a good chunk of my changes, but unfortunately not all of them. Let’s just say I’ve gotten used to wishing JSD2 were on the horizon and knowing that it probably isn’t. I do some work on Firebug, and I have looked a bit into creating a multi-layer-client wrapper for JSD, but haven’t had the time to get it actually working. JSD2 is supposed to fix this, but sometimes I wonder if JSD2 will ever really happen. Most folks won’t care, but it’s worth pointing out that you can’t use WebStorm to debug Firebug itself since they both use JSD, which only supports one debugger client at a time. For example, this allows me to debug an extension named myext: Edit the file to add your chrome URL root to the variable enabledChromeComponents.Download the correct branch from GitHub for your version to replace the contents of the directory.

intellij idea for javascript

Determine what version of the Firefox debugger extension you are using (look in the Add-Ons tab).Install WebStorm and let it install the Firefox debugger extension.To debug extensions with WebStorm/IntelliJ, do the following: I’ve submitted the changes to JetBrains as an issue in the hope that they will incorporate my changes into the main product. I plan to update it with each update of the WebStorm Firefox extension until JetBrains adds this functionality themselves. You can get the code on GitHub at WebStorm-Firefox-Connector. With a little bit of hacking I found a way to update their debugger so that it can also debug Firefox extensions. I often use ChromeBug for this, but sometimes it’s nice to debug right in the IDE. What is particularly impressive is how WebStorm/PhpStorm is able to parse out meaning from untyped JS and have knowledge of many of the core JS libraries.īut one problem is that they don’t debug Firefox extensions. I have been a fan of JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA as an IDE for many years, and with WebStorm/PhpStorm (or IntelliJ with the JavaScript plugin) JetBrain really is on their way to having a great JavaScript IDE.

Intellij idea for javascript